Dr. Franje Tuđmana 14, 34000 Požega, Hrvatska

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U samom središtu Požege svoja vrata otvara vam "Villa Maria", mjesto vrhunskog domaćinstva u prekrasnom ambijentu podno Požeške gore.
Krenite u obilazak “Slavonske Atene” iz samog srca grada, nakon spavanja u ugodnim komfornim sobama opremljenima klima uređajima, satelitskom digitalnom TV, internetskim priključcima i svim drugim pogodnostima.
Pansion je uvučen od glavne ceste i pošteđen buke i vreve, gotovo kao odvojeni mali svijet odmora i druženja, ali i zabave i vrhunskog ugođaja. Parkiralište za goste je osigurano besplatno.
U dvorištu pansiona "Villa Maria" pecalo vam je na raspolaganju za gurmansku maštu. Zajednička blagavaonica s otvorenim kaminom, pruža vam mogućnost ugodna druženja uz pjesmu i objede za sve goste.
Priređujemo vam slavonski doručak, uz obilje domaćih specijaliteta.

Dr. Franje Tuđmana St. 14, 34000 Pozega, Croatia

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In the very center of Požega opens its doors to you "Villa Maria", a place of top household in a beautiful setting at the foot of Požega Mountain.
Take a tour of "Slavonian Athens" from the heart of the city, after sleeping in comfortable rooms fitted with air conditioning, satellite digital TV, internet connections and all other amenities.
The guest house is tucked away from the main road and spared the noise and hustle and bustle, almost as a separate small world of rest and socializing, but also of fun and superb atmosphere. Guest parking is provided, free of charge.
In the courtyard of the Villa Maria, a barbecue is at your disposal for a gourmet imagination. The communal dining room with an open fireplace gives you the opportunity to cozy up to a song and have lunch for all guests.
We are hosting a Slavonian breakfast, with plenty of local specialties.