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Trg kralja Tomislava - Ul. Slavonskih graničara

Na središnjem dijelu Nove Gradiške, smješteno je srce grada – središnji gradski trg i park.

TRG KRALJA TOMISLAVA - središnji gradski trg.

GRADSKI PARK - oblikovan je po uzoru na francuske perivoje s pravilnom mrežom staza. Početkom 20. st. uređen je u pejsažnom stilu engleskog parka, koji je zadržao do danas. U sjevernom djelu parkom dominira vodoskok Tri gracije, autora Vinka Fabrisa, iz 1978. godine.

ULICA SLAVONSKIH GRANIČARA - NOVOGRADIŠKA ŠETNICA - zabranom prometa kroz ulicu Slavonskih graničara, ista je pretvorena u gradsku šetnicu. Nadovezujući se na Trg kralja Tomislava i gradski park - stvorena je jedna ugodna gradska cjelina za bezbrižno obiteljsko provođenje slobodnog vremena.


Kralja Tomislava Square - Slavonskih graničara Street

In the central part of Nova Gradiška, is located the heart of the city - the central town square and park.

KING TOMISLAV SQUARE - the central town square.

CITY PARK - modeled on French parks with a regular network of trails. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was arranged in the landscape style of an English park, which it has preserved to this day. In the northern part, the park is dominated by the Tri gracije fountain, by Vinko Fabris, from 1978.

SLAVONSKIH GRANIČARA STREET - NOVA GRADIŠKA PROMENADE - by banning traffic through Slavonskih graničara Street, it has been turned into a city promenade. Building on King Tomislav Square and the city park - a pleasant city unit has been created for a carefree family leisure time.
