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Bana Ivana Mažuranića 27, 35400 Nova Gradiška, Hrvatska

Namijenjen svim ljubiteljima slavonskih običaja, hedonistima željnim dobre slavonskih jela i pića. Restoran je smješten na istočnom ulazu u grad, nedaleko od centra, a opet, dovoljno blizu prometnog čvorišta Požega - Slavonski Brod - autocesta (Županja-Zagreb).


Bana Ivana Mažuranića St. 27, 35400 Nova Gradiška, Croatia

Intended for all lovers of Slavonian customs, hedonists who want good Slavonian food and drink. The restaurant is located at the eastern entrance to the city, not far from the center, and yet, close enough to the traffic hub Požega - Slavonski Brod - highway (Županja-Zagreb).