Posavska poučna cesta na sjajan način spaja priču o gastronomiji, povijesti, arheologiji, folkoru i pučkoj baštini, jedinstvenoj i autohtonoj arhitekturi Posavine, nudeći gostu riječni, ali i lovni turizam, avanturizam i biciklizam.
Cesta koja vodi kroz slavonsku šumu i duž toka rijeke Save, duga je 30-ak kilometara, a zahvaljujući turističkim interpretacijskim pločama možete je obići sami ili organizirano, uz pratnju turističkih djelatnika.
Naučite sve o povijesti, tradiciji, narodnim običajima, kulturnoj baštini, prirodnim ljepotama rijeke Save i posavske šume. Zavirite u dvorišta seoskih domaćinstava, osjetite Posavinu svim svojim čulima, mirisom domaćih proizvoda i ljepotom krajolika. Neka vam gakanje gusaka, rzanje konja i toplina posavaca opusti dušu i ukrade srce.

Izvor: www.tzgng.hr, Dalibor Nedela

Posavina educational road in a great way combines the story of gastronomy, history, archeology, folklore and folk heritage, unique and indigenous architecture of Posavina, offering guests river, but also hunting tourism, adventure and cycling.
The road that leads through the Slavonian forest and along the Sava River is about 30 kilometers long, and thanks to tourist interpretation boards you can visit it alone or in an organized manner, accompanied by tourist staff.
Learn all about history, tradition, folk customs, cultural heritage, natural beauties of the Sava River and the Posavina Forest. Peek into the yards of rural households, feel Posavina with all your senses, the smell of local products and the beauty of the landscape. May the croaking of geese, the neighing of horses and the warmth of the posavas relax your soul and steal your heart.

Source: www.tzgng.hr, Dalibor Nedela