Bana Josipa Jelačića 65a, 35403 Rešetari, Hrvatska

Pansion AS, Rešetari, nudi gostima petnaest kompletno opremljenih soba. Tuš, wc, WiFI, sat tv, a na raspolaganju Vam je sauna, masaža i solarij, caffe bar i restoran. Za lovce koji dolaze sa psima u lov osiguran je smještaj (kućice) za pse.
Pansion AS, Rešetari, nalazi se na staroj krajiškoj cesti koja povezuje Novu Gradišku i Slavonski brod. Ako dolazite autocestom Zagreb - Lipovac, izađite na izlazu Nova Gradiška. Nakon naplatnih kućica vozite ravno do prvog semafora, a po dolasku na semafor skrenite desno. Pansion AS je udaljen od raskrižja (semafora) 200 m, a nalazi se sa lijeve strane ceste.
Kada tijelo kaže ne mogu više, kada ste fizički i psihički iscrpljeni treba Vam odmor. Najbolji način da se relaksirate i odmorite Vaše umorno tijelo, pa i dušu, je da dođete na masažu i u saunu, a vašem tenu dajte preplanulu boju u solariju. Za Vaš ugodan boravak pobrinut će se ljubazno osoblje Pansiona AS. Pansion AS stoji Vam na raspolaganju od 7-24.

Bana Josipa Jelačića 65a St., 35403 Rešetari, Croatia

Pension AS, Rešetari, offers guests fifteen fully equipped rooms. Shower, toilet, WiFI, satellite TV, and at your disposal is a sauna, massage and solarium, coffee bar and restaurant. Accommodation (houses) for dogs is provided for hunters who come with dogs to hunt.
Pension AS, Rešetari, is located on the old Krajina road that connects Nova Gradiška and Slavonski Brod. If you are coming by the Zagreb - Lipovac highway, take the Nova Gradiška exit. After the toll booths, drive straight to the first traffic light, and when you arrive at the traffic light, turn right. Pension AS is 200 m away from the intersection (traffic lights), and is located on the left side of the road.
When the body says I can't take it anymore, when you are physically and mentally exhausted you need rest. The best way to relax and rest your tired body, and even your soul, is to come for a massage and a sauna, and give your complexion a tan in the solarium. The friendly staff of Pension AS will take care of your pleasant stay. Pension AS is at your disposal from 7-24.