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Trg kralja Tomislava 7, 35400 Nova Gradiška, Hrvatska

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Gradski muzej osnovan je 1999. g. integracijom Zavičajnog muzeja (osnovanoga 1971. g.) i Galerije Kerdić. Smješten je u klasicističkoj građanskoj kući iz 19. st., koja pripada najstarijim građevinama u gradu, a izgrađena je u zaštićenoj povijesnoj jezgri.

Muzej prikazuje kulturnu baštinu Nove Gradiške i okolice na temelju najstarijih paleontoloških nalaza, fosilnih ostataka i kostiju mamuta, kao i arheološke građe iz prapovijesti i starog vijeka. Numizmatička zbirka predstavit će primjerke novca iz razdoblja od 3. do 20. st. Kulturno-povijesna zbirka raspolaže građom od 14. do 20. st.

U Etnografskoj zbirci čuvaju se tekstil, namještaj, glazbala, lončarija i ostala građa vezana za seoski život novogradiškog kraja te dijelom pakračkoga, požeškoga i novljanskog kraja u drugoj polovici 19. i prvoj polovici 20. st. Zbirka umjetnina posjeduje slike, crteže, grafike, skulpture značajnih hrvatskih autora 20. st. te malu zbirku osobnih predmeta, kao i medalje i plakete jednoga od najpoznatijih hrvatskih medaljera i kipara Ive Kerdića (1881. - 1953.), rođenoga u obližnjem Davoru.


King Tomislav Square 7, 35400 Nova Gradiška, Croatia

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The City Museum was founded in 1999 by integrating the Homeland Museum (founded in 1971) and the Kerdić Gallery. It is housed in a 19th-century classicist civic house, which belongs to the oldest buildings in the city, and was built in a protected historic core.

The museum displays the cultural heritage of Nova Gradiška and its surroundings based on the oldest paleontological finds, fossil remains and mammoth bones, as well as archaeological material from prehistory and ancient times. The numismatic collection will present specimens of coins from the period from the 3rd to the 20th century. The cultural and historical collection has material from the 14th to the 20th century.

The Ethnographic Collection preserves textiles, furniture, musical instruments, pottery and other materials related to the rural life of the Nova Gradiška area and part of the Pakrac, Požega and Novska areas in the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. The art collection has paintings, drawings, graphics, sculptures by significant Croatian authors of the 20th century, and a small collection of personal belongings, as well as medals and plaques of one of the most famous Croatian medalists and sculptors Ivo Kerdić (1881 - 1953), born in nearby Davor.