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Potočna 4, 35404 Cernik, Hrvatska

Cernik je maleno mjesto u blizini Nove Gradiške u kojem se nalazi neočekivano veliki broj turističkih atrakcija, od povijesti, kulture do gastronomije i enologije. No pravi biser naselja je svakako veliki barokni franjevački samostan! Za razdoblja turske vladavine kada je Cernik bio upravno i vojno sjedište sandžaka (turske teritorijalne jedinice) iz njega se širio islam po tom području. Turski putopisac Evlija Čelebi spominje da u samom Cerniku "ima dvadeset i jedna džamija". No već u to doba počinje borba franjevaca za održavanjem kršćanskog identiteta na tom području.

Početkom 17. stoljeća osniva se franjevačka župa u Cerniku. Stoljeće kasnije, kada je cijela Slavonija pripojena Habsburškom carstvu, započinje izgradnja samostana koja se završava sredinom 18. stoljeća. Zadnja je izgrađena monumentalna crkva Sv. Petra s predivnih 7 baroknih oltara. U samostanu je 1757. započelo s radom filozofsko učilište u kojem su osnove pismenosti, znanja latinskog jezika i religije dobili gotovo svi značajni predstavnici slavonske kulture 18. stoljeća. Medu njima i Matija Antun Relković najznačajniji autor hrvatskog prosvjetiteljstva.

Samostan je kvadratnog oblika s 3 krila i crkvom na jednom uglu, lijepim klaustrom i perivojem u okolici. Osim lijepe barokne unutrašnjosti crkve, u samostanu je vrijedna i izuzetno bogata izložba biblijske povijesti s velikom arheološko-paleontološkom zbirkom.


Potočna 4, 35404 Cernik, Croatia

Cernik is a small place near Nova Gradiška where there is an unexpectedly large number of tourist attractions, from history, culture to gastronomy and oenology. But the real pearl of the settlement is certainly the large baroque Franciscan monastery! During the periods of Turkish rule when Cernik was the administrative and military seat of the Sandzak (Turkish territorial unit), Islam spread from that area. Turkish travel writer Evliya Celebi mentions that "there are twenty-one mosques" in Cernik itself. But already at that time the struggle of the Franciscans to maintain a Christian identity in the area began.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the Franciscan parish in Cernik was founded. A century later, when the whole of Slavonia was annexed to the Habsburg Empire, the construction of a monastery began and was completed in the middle of the 18th century. The last monumental church of Sv. Peter with beautiful 7 baroque altars. In 1757, a philosophical school began operating in the monastery, where the basics of literacy, knowledge of Latin and religion were given to almost all significant representatives of Slavonian culture of the 18th century. Among them is Matija Antun Relković, the most important author of the Croatian Enlightenment.

The monastery is square in shape with 3 wings and a church on one corner, a beautiful cloister and a park in the area. In addition to the beautiful Baroque interior of the church, the monastery has a valuable and extremely rich exhibition of biblical history with a large archaeological and paleontological collection.
