Župnika Mirka Messnera 1, 34340 Kutjevo, Hrvatska

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Župna Crkva Rođenja Blažene Djevice Marije sagrađena je 1232. godine od cistercita. Uništena za otomanskog vladanja Slavonijom, podignuta iz praha i pepela 1698. godine od isusovaca.
Današnji, barokni izgled crkva je dobila u 18.st. Posvećena je Rođenju Blažene Djevice Marije (8.rujna). Za blagdan Male Gospe, u Kutjevo kao poznato svetište, dolaze hodočasnici iz mnogih župa, ali i putnici namjernici. U unutrašnjosti crkve čak je 12 predmeta zaštićeno kao vrijedni primjerci barokne umjetnosti rješenjem Regionalnog zavoda za zaštitu spomenika kulture i pod nadzorom su konzervatora i restauratora.
Slika Čudotvorne Gospe Kutjevske ili Marija s djetetom iz 16. st. (vjerojatno iz 1511. godine) predstavlja vrlo rijedak kasnorenesansni spomenik i njena vrijednost registrirana je općim značenjem. Slika je prenesena iz stare drvene crkve, a ostala je neoštećena usprkos nedaćama koje su je snalazile ( požar, prenošenje u Požegu, otomansko carstvo). Za svaki zahvat na unutarnjem ili vanjskom izgledu crkve potrebna je suglasnost Ministarstva kulture RH.

Župnika Mirka Messnera St. 1, 34340 Kutjevo, Croatia

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The parish Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in 1232 from Cistercians. Destroyed during the Ottoman rule of Slavonia, raised from dust and ashes in 1698 by the Jesuits.
Today's baroque appearance of the church was given in the 18th century. It is dedicated to the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary (September 8). For the feast of the Assumption, pilgrims from many parishes come to Kutjevo as a famous shrine, as well as occasional travelers. Inside the church, as many as 12 objects are protected as valuable examples of Baroque art by a decision of the Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and are under the supervision of conservators and restorers.
The painting of the Miraculous Lady of Kutjevo or Mary with a child from the 16th century (probably from 1511) is a very rare late renaissance monument and its value is registered with general meaning. The painting was transferred from the old wooden church, and it remained undamaged despite the misfortunes that befell it (fire, transfer to Požega, Ottoman Empire). The consent of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia is required for any intervention on the internal or external appearance of the church.