Vinkomir 15, 34340 Kutjevo, Hrvatska

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OPG Livak nalazi se u Kutjevu na površini od 5600 kvadratnih metara, a riječ je o biotopu koji se sastoji od tri cjeline; voćnjak, brdski travnjak i šumarak. Prvi dio odnosi se na voćnjak u kojem se nalaze zasađene stare sorte voćaka, divlje voćkarice i grmovi te stabla divljih drvenastih i grmolikih vrsta, čiji plodovi se koriste u prehrani. U drugom dijelu koji čini livada - košanica raste različito zeljasto bilje, među kojima se nalazi veći broj ljekovitih vrsta.
U šumarku, koji ujedno čini i treći dio biotopa, nalazi se nekoliko vrsta drveća i grmlja, među kojima se najviše ističe hrast sladun. Uz hrast sladun, ovdje se pojavljuje još i hrast cer te zajedno čine zajednicu u kojoj preteže sladun. Također je pronađen i hrast kitnjak te mnoge druge vrste, kao što su divlja trešnja, divlja kruška, obični orah, bijeli dud, bijela topola, crni jasen i ostalo.
Tijekom 2011. godine na OPG-u je provedeno florističko istraživanje koje je rezultiralo pronalaskom 174 samonikle biljne vrste od kojih su 26 zakonom zaštićene i 2 zakonom strogo zaštićene. Na OPG-u Livak, također je u planu i proizvodnja prirodnih biljnih čajeva (menta, bijeli glog, majčina dušica, gospina trava, stolisnik, šipak...) i prirodnih likera (bijeli glog, šipak, trnina...) i to isključivo od samoniklih biljnih vrsta koje uspijevaju na ovom biotopu.

Vinkomir St. 15, 34340 Kutjevo, Croatia

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OPG Livak is located in Kutjevo on an area of 5600 square meters, and it is a biotope consisting of three units; orchard, mountain lawn and grove. The first part refers to the orchard in which there are planted old varieties of fruit trees, wild fruit trees and shrubs and trees of wild woody and shrubby species, the fruits of which are used in the diet. In the second part, which consists of a meadow - a basket, various herbaceous plants grow, among which there are a number of medicinal species.
In the forest, which also makes up the third part of the biotope, there are several species of trees and shrubs, among which the most prominent is the malt oak. In addition to malt oak, cer oak also appears here and together they form a community in which malt predominates. Seed oak and many other species were also found, such as wild cherry, wild pear, walnut, white mulberry, white poplar, black ash and others.
During 2011, a floristic research was conducted on the family farm, which resulted in the discovery of 174 wild plant species, of which 26 are legally protected and 2 are strictly protected by law. At the Livak family farm, the production of natural herbal teas (mint, white hawthorn, thyme, St. John's wort, yarrow, pomegranate ...) and natural liqueurs (white hawthorn, pomegranate, thorn ...) is also planned. exclusively from wild plant species that thrive on this biotope.