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Zdenka Turkovića 32-34, 34340 Kutjevo, Hrvatska

Današnji dvorac dio je nekadašnjeg isusovačkog sklopa koji se sastojao od samostanske crkve, rezidencije (kasnije dvorca), te gospodarskih zgrada i vrtova, a nastao je na ostatcima cistercitske opatije, od kuda i potječe naziv de Gotho. Tijekom vremena mijenjao je i vlasnike i izgled, a prilikom obnove 90-ih godina prošloga stoljeća uspjela se sačuvati njegova povijesna originalnost. Cijeli arhitektonski sklop izgradili su Isusovci u razdoblju od 1704. do 1735. Od cistercitskog samostana iz 13. stoljeća do danas izmjenjivala su se razdoblja uspona i uzornoga gospodarenja, pri čemu posebno napreduje u doba cistercita, isusovaca i obitelji grofova Turkovića.

Park je, sudeći po starosti dekorativnih vrsta drveća, podignut početkom 19. stoljeća. Oblikovan je u slobodnom engleskom stilu, bogat parkovnim vrstama, od kojih je vrijedno spomenuti po obimu, starosti, ljepoti krošnje sljedeće vrste: lipu, platanu, čempres, crveni hrast i kavkasku jelu. Zbog raznolikosti sastava biljnih vrsta, kao i starosti stabala te rasporeda-kompozicije parka, park predstavlja vrijedni hortikulturni spomenik prirode, pa je kao takav zaštićen 1967. godine. Dvorac i park su u privatnom vlasništvu koncerna Agram i nisu otvoreni za posjetitelje.


Zdenka Turkovića St. 32-34, 34340 Kutjevo, Croatia

The Castle as it is today is a part of the former Jesuit set which consisted of a convent church, residence (later to become a castle), and manors and gardens, and was established on the remains of a Cistercian Abbey. It changed appearance and owners during time, and during the upgrade in the 1990s its historical originality was preserved. The entire architectural set was built by Jesuits from 1704 till 1735. From Cistercian monastery from the 13th century to the present alternated periods of ups and exemplary management, with particular progress during the Cistercians, the Jesuits and the family of the Counts Turkovića.

According to the age of the decorative trees, the garden was established in the beginning of the 19th century. It was shaped in English free style, rich in vegetation, of which it is important to mention: linden tree, sycamore tree, cypress , red oak and Caucasian Fir tree. Due to the diversity of all the plants and the age of the trees as well as the layout and composition, the garden represents a valuable horticultural natural monument and has been protected since 1967. The castle and park are privately owned by the Agram concern and are not open to visitors.