Venje 2, 34340 Kutjevo, Hrvatska

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U samom srcu Zlatne doline, podno obronka Papuk, samo 20-ak km od Požege i nekoliko od Kutjeva, nalazi se imanje Akademija Graševine. Na imanju Akademije Graševine nalazi se restoran koji nudi različit izbor vrhunskih sezonskih delicija pripremljenih s mnogo ljubavi i s domaćim namirnicama.
Restoran ima prekrasnu veliku terasu koja je pravo osvježenje za tople dane i uživanje u domaćoj atmosferi. Posjetitelji mogu uživati u šetnji vinogradima, a u jesen mogu sudjelovati u berbi s domaćinima koja uz tamburicu i nekoliko litara vina, redovito potraje dugo u noć. Posjet vinskim podrumima kutjevačkih vinara oduševit će svakog posjetitelja te upotpuniti njegov cjelokupni doživljaj.
Ukoliko ste pravi zaljubljenik u prirodu i želite odmor od više dana, Akademija Graševine u ponudi ima 10 predivno uređenih soba koje nose nazive po vrstama vina, a za najmlađe goste uređeno je i dječje igralište. Akademija Graševine izvrstan je izbor za sve vrste svečanosti do 80 ljudi, seminare, team-building i sommelierske tečajeve.

Venje 2, 34340 Kutjevo, Croatia

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In the very heart of the Golden Valley, at the foot of the Papuk slope, only 20 km from Požega and a few from Kutjevo, is the Graševina Academy estate. On the property of the Graševina Academy there is a restaurant that offers a different selection of top seasonal delicacies prepared with a lot of love and with local ingredients.
The restaurant has a beautiful large terrace which is a real refreshment for warm days and enjoying the homely atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy a walk through the vineyards, and in the fall they can take part in a harvest with the hosts which, along with a tambourine and a few liters of wine, regularly lasts long into the night. A visit to the wine cellars of Kutjevo winemakers will delight every visitor and complete his entire experience.
If you are a true lover of nature and want a vacation of several days, the Graševina Academy offers 10 beautifully decorated rooms named after the types of wine, and for the youngest guests there is a children's playground. Graševina Academy is an excellent choice for all types of festivities for up to 80 people, seminars, team-building and sommelier courses.