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Ruševo 11, 34350 Čaglin, Hrvatska

Na današnjem seoskom groblju bila je crkva Sv. Nikole čije su se ruševine vidjele sve do 17. stoljeća. Za vrijeme turskog vladanja župna crkva zbog svih događanja biva preseljena u Vrčin dol, a krajem 18. stoljeća crkva se iz Vrčin dola vraća u Ruševo. Početkom lipnja 1807. godine biva položen kamen temeljac za gradnju nove crkve, ali iste godine Ruševo trese snažan potres, tako da tek 1824. godine završava gradnja nove crkve.

U Ruševu je svetkovina Spasova, Uzašašća Gospodinova, koje se nekada bilo poznato po slavlju, kada je selo bilo prepuno ljudi, pjevalo se, igralo, svaka kuća je imala mnogo gostiju iako su bila teška vremena. Danas zbog raseljavanja i odlaska mladih ljudi i svetkovina je postala mnogo skromnija.


Ruševo 11, 34350 Čaglin, Croatia

At today's village cemetery was the church of St. Nicholas whose ruins were seen until the 17th century. During the Turkish rule, the parish church was moved to Vrčin dol due to all the events, and at the end of the 18th century the church returned from Vrčin dol to Ruševo. At the beginning of June 1807, the foundation stone for the construction of a new church was laid, but in the same year Ruševo was shaken by a strong earthquake, so that only in 1824 the construction of the new church was completed.

In Ruševo is the feast of the Savior, the Ascension of the Lord, which was once known for the celebration, when the village was full of people, singing, dancing, each house had many guests, even though it was a difficult time. Today, due to the displacement and departure of young people, the festivities have become much more modest.