Ruševo 163, 34350 Čaglin, Hrvatska

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„Eko Emić“ je obiteljsko poljoprivredno imanje, tj. ranč smješten u ovom malom selu čaglinskog kraja u kojem možete doživjeti ugodan boravak u prirodnom okruženju nekadašnje Slavonije.
Nalazi se u podnožju Dilj gore nedaleko Sovskog jezera, a ta planina okružena je predivnim zelenim brdima, koja izuzetno privlače planinare i ljubitelje prirode, a u sklopu kojeg je i stara slavonska kuća u kojoj su sobe sa očuvanim namještajem starim gotovo stotinu godina.
Cijelo imanje smješteno je na pet hektara zemljišta, a na njemu je mnogo zatvorenih i otvorenih prostora, te tri ribnjaka namijenjena ljubiteljima pecanja ribe kao što su šaran, amur, smuđ i druge. Tu su pašnjaci sa svinjama, kokošima, zečevima i ovcama koje se hrane u netaknutoj i nezagađenoj prirodi, a za te potrebe Emići obrađuju čak trideset hektara poljoprivrednog zemljišta trudeći se stvoriti što bolji ugođaj ruralnih krajeva poželjan poslovnim ljudima, ljubiteljima prirode i planinarima pogotovo iz urbanih područja naše zemlje i inozemstva.
Na ranču je i pet arapskih konja namijenjenih za jahanje. Imaju u blizini i šest hektara šume gdje se možde gljivariti i sakupljati šumske plodine što je moguće i tijekom pohoda do Sovskog jezera i pitomim obroncima Dilj gore do Buka.

Ruševo 163, 34350 Čaglin, Croatia

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"Eko Emić" is a family farm, ie a ranch located in this small village of Čaglin region where you can experience a pleasant stay in the natural environment of the former Slavonia.
It is located at the foot of Dilj gora near Sovsko Lake, and the mountain is surrounded by beautiful green hills, which attract mountaineers and nature lovers, and which includes an old Slavonian house with rooms with preserved furniture almost a hundred years old.
The entire property is located on five hectares of land, and there are many indoor and outdoor spaces, and three ponds for fishing enthusiasts such as carp, grass carp, perch and others. There are pastures with pigs, chickens, rabbits and sheep that feed in untouched and unpolluted nature, and for this purpose Emići cultivate as much as thirty hectares of agricultural land, trying to create the best possible atmosphere of rural areas desirable for business people, nature lovers and hikers, especially from urban areas. areas of our country and abroad.
There are also five Arabian horses on the ranch intended for riding. They also have six hectares of forest nearby where you can mushroom and collect forest fruits, which is also possible during the hike to Sovsko Lake and the gentle slopes of Dilj gora to Buk.