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Močvarni taksodij (močvarni čempres, lat. Taxodium distichum), vrsta drveta iz porodice čempresovki raširenog po sjevernoameričkom jugu i jugoistoku. To je crnogorično listopadno stablo vodenih i močvarnih terena, koje naraste do 45 metara visine, i promjera 150 cm. Crvenosmeđe je kore, i korijena koje u nakupinama izbija iz zemlje i raste do pola metra u visinu, kako bi zbog prozračivanja biljke provelo kisik do podzemnih korijena koji inače rastu u vodi. Drvo im je mekano i otporno na vodu, pa se koristi u gradnji čamaca.


Swamp taxodium (marsh cypress, lat. Taxodium distichum), a species of tree from the cypress family spread throughout the North American south and southeast. It is a coniferous deciduous tree of water and wetlands, which grows up to 45 meters in height and 150 cm in diameter. It has a reddish-brown bark, and roots that emerge in clusters from the ground and grow up to half a meter in height, in order to conduct oxygen to the underground roots that normally grow in water due to the aeration of the plant. My wood is soft and water resistant, so it is used in building boats.