„Greenway - a Way to Connect“ je IPA partnerski projekt prekogranične suradnje Mađarska–Hrvatska kojeg provode Ormansag Nonprofit (nositelj projekta), Zaklada Slagalica, Eko-centar Latinovac i zaklada Együtt a Kémes Körzet Gyermekeiért Alapítvány. Cilj projekta je potaknuti ekonomski rast u zapostavljenim ruralnim područjima obje partnerske zemlje kroz razvoj tematske Greenway biciklističke rute duge 120 km koja će povezati selo Kemeš u Mađarskoj sa selom Latinovac u Hrvatskoj i potaknuti jačanje lokalnih zajednica kroz bavljenje održivim seoskim ekoturizmom.
Tijekom provedbe projekta od 1. travnja 2013. do 31. srpnja 2014. istražiti će se prirodne i kulturne znamenitosti uz tematsku rutu, obrazovati turistički vodiči i popravljači bicikala, održati tečajevi Mađarskog i Hrvatskog jezika, otvoriti info centar za turiste na početnoj i završnoj točki rute, organizirati više zelenih sajmova s lokalnim proizvodima, te održati tri festivala „Aranyóma“ i „Sarma“ festivali u Kemešu te land art „Slama Festival“ u Latinovcu.

„Greenway - a Way to Connect“ is an IPA partnership project of a cross border Hungary-Croatia cooperation implemented by Ormansag Nonprofit (lead beneficiary), Community Foundation Slagalica, Eco Centre Latinovac and Together for the Kemes Area Children Foundation. The Goal of the project is to initiate economic growth in underdeveloped rural regions of both partner countries through development of a 120 km long thematic Greenway cycling route that will connect Kemes village in Hungary with Latinovac village in Croatia and strengthen local communities through engagement in sustainable rural ecotourism.
Over the course of the project implementation, which will take place from 1st of April 2013 to 31st of July 2014, we will explore natural and cultural attractions alongside the thematic route, train local tourist guides and bike repairman, organise Hungarian and Croatian language courses, open Info Centres for tourists at the starting and ending point of the route, hold several farmers markets with local products and organise three festivals „Aranyóma“ and „Sarma“ festivals in Kemes and land art „Slama Festival“ in Latinovac..